My house will be open for the sun, the wind and the voices of the sea – like a Greek temple – and light, light, light everywhere! – said Axel Munthe, the Swedish doctor, describing Villa San Michele, his home in Anacapri, built on the remains of an imperial Roman villa and a medieval chapel dedicated to San Michele.
Today it is a museum where during the summer season there is a music festival, “Concerti al Tramonto”

Another villa worth a visit is Villa Malaparte, the monumental and iconic villa built in 1938 for the Italian writer Curzio Malaparte in Punta Massullo on the island of Capri, appears as an extension of its position on the cliff, being carved out of the rock. Malaparte once said of the villa: “It represents the image of my desire”

Definitely not to be missed, Via Camerelle is one of the most beautiful shopping streets in Italy. If you like fashion and nature in this place you can see elegant shops with expensive Italian and international fashion brands and at the same time you can admire wonderful views of arcades and houses covered with colorful flowers.

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